Upgrade Campaign

Advance to Advanced

The ability to retrofit and upgrade is intrinsic to our hardware and digital solution design process.

By looking after upgrading and retrofitting our install base we solidify our relationship and reputation with our customers as a trusted long-term partner. With that, we are pleased to announce the release of three new upgrade kits available from July 1st until September 30th, 2024.

These kits enable customers to simply upgrade a legacy ATS Master or ATS1000/2000 control panel to an Advisor Advanced ATSx500 at a reduced cost.

Benefits of upgrading

  • Looking ahead: Protect existing installations from PSTN/2G/3G shutdown.
  • Securing your security: Connect to UltraSync Cloud offering cyber secure alarm transmission, remote configuration and remote operation services for monitoring stations, installers, and end-users.
  • Easy migration: with the migration wizard, a simple, flexible, and transparent tool you can easily export settings from an existing ATS Master installation into a file > Convert these settings into Advisor Advanced settings > Import, or “advance” them into the new Advisor Advanced panel.

Make the move: advance to Advanced

Advisor Advanced is compatible with the majority of ATS Master accessories.

Therefore you can simply remove the ATS Master board from the housing, replace it with an Advisor Advanced ATSx500A board, run the migration wizard to transfer your configuration from ATS Master to Advisor Advanced panel and you are ready to go! 

By utilising the hardware and migration wizard, it makes the upgrade easy, quick and a low-cost solution.